Great Room

Before and After Photos

Wild Plum Restaurant

Wild Plum Station Restaurant 2004

Original Purchase 1999

Original Purchase 1999

A Rare Treasure — Vintage Oak Display Case

A Rare Treasure — Vintage Oak Display Case

Replacing the Subfloor West1


Replacing the Subfloor West

Replacing the Subfloor West

Replacing the Subfloor East

Replacing the Subfloor East

Back Bar

Back Bar

Commercial Kitchen Counter

Commercial Kitchen Counter

Commercial Kitchen Appliances

Commercial Kitchen Appliances




After the Restaurant Closed

Post Office — Before

Post Office — Before

Post Office — After

Post Office — After

When we purchased the building, it came with a dozen old coolers. Most of them were discarded immediately. Some were dismantled for their interesting windows or panels, which were incorporated into other projects. The beautiful 40s Deco-style deli case was put to use for several years, but retired after half a dozen expensive repairs. Two are still in use; an old deep freeze and a small beverage reach-in. Unfortunately, the coolers were responsible for much of the damage to the floor and subfloor, which required extensive repair with period fir flooring we acquired from a local source. We’ve refinished the floor several times, so it’s in better shape now than it’s been in for decades.

Because the renovations have been completed for the most part, there are just a few minor projects to complete before we reopen. We’ll give it another few coats of paint and upgrade the lighting for the gallery, but these tasks will be a piece of cake compared to what we’ve already done.

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